- Kat Graham as Abby Sutton
- Quincy Brown as Josh Barton
- Ethan Peck as Ty Walker
- Ron Cephas Jones as Gramps
- Genelle Williams as Sarah Sutton
- Laura de Carteret as Judy Sutton
Synopsis & Insights:
Holiday Calendar is one more festive romantic comedy concerning the Christmas spirit and love at the same time. Kat Graham is now Abbey Sutton, a gifted but unambitious photographer sick of her dreary life in a small town. This changes when her Gramps, Ron Cephas Jones, sends her an old Christmas calendar, which belonged to him. Rather than being just another photographic calendar, the calendar seems to have latched onto her destiny and threatens to take her into a realm of love and joy.
Quincy Brown is Josh Barton, a photographer and Abby’s friend albeit Josh has been nursing feelings for Abby for several years now. With the help of the advent calendar, Abby goes through unforeseen fortunate accidents and this causes conflict between her and Josh and then there is Ty Walker Ethan Peck, a handsome doctor who the calendar seems to have helped her to find in the right moment, thanks to its guidance.
Abrams infiltrates Abby with quite a number of warm attributes and she makes sure symmetry and some degree of tender clumsiness exist on a whole new level in house sweeper emptied differently. Nunneelar shave abounded and cut absolutely horse cut abs and nu-bell clip slipped overly bedridden and stared floors split. Quincy J Brown plays the role of Josh also very well giving the normal side of things as compared to abby who (as usual in fantasy films) is having extra-ordinary experiences. What they shouldn’t have, in hindsight, Graham, who plays Liz, and Brown, Graham’s apparent love rival in the film, Josh, make nearly the pertentious romantic tensions almost ever captured in many films.
The Holiday Calendar weaves the spirits of the holidays and an air of fantasy which makes this movie fun and light and great for the season. The stories are of fate, love, and going for what one enjoys, and though very ordinary subjects, they manage to present them well and make it enjoyable. Yes, it does have some of the usual cliches expected in a holiday romance, but its concept is fresh and the characters are likeable enough to risk one’s time.
In case you are searching something in the line of holiday movies and do not mind some romance, The Holiday Calendar is just the perfect antidote for all that is gloomy around the holiday season. It is a movie that inspires each one of its viewers to also try and look for the glimmer of hope during the holidays and to take chances in life and seek the opportunities that are there.