My Best Friend’s Wedding

My Best Friend’s Wedding

  • Updated
  • Posted in Erotic
  • 3 mins read


  • Julia Roberts as Julianne Potter
  • Dermot Mulroney as Michael O’Neal
  • Cameron Diaz as Kimberly Wallace
  • Rupert Everett as George Downes
  • Rachel Griffiths as Samantha Newhouse
  • Carrie Preston as Mandy Newhouse

Synopsis & Insights:

My Best Friend’s Wedding is a loveable romantic comedy about a woman named Julianne Potter, played by Julia Roberts, who discovers days before her best friend Michael O’Neal’s wedding to another woman that she has loved him all along. She assumed her detour, Michael, would always be there in case she did not find anyone by the age of 28. Now, she is about to lose him to a bubbly and optimistic girl Kimberly Wallace, who is acted by Cameron Diaz. Julia Roberts makes Montag likeable by doing it as Julianne, who is not a perfect person but one that most women can identify with. How Julianne tries to prevent Michael from marrying anyone by desperate means causing a spectacle on that day is hysterical yet entertaining. What follows this is love, friendship, and growing up, even if Julia’s character does not appear to change much throughout the film. Dermot Mulroney plays Michael, a sweet nice guy who, because of the way he admires and loves Kimberly, complicates and makes it even more unethical for Julianne to accomplish her goal.

Cameron Diaz does great justice as Kimberly, a character who emanates a certain level of impact and childlike wonder in the movie that is lacking in Julianne, who is shrewd and more seasoned. Rupert Everett, as Julianne’s best friend George Downes, an understanding, yet sarcastic, supportive friend of Julianne, makes sure that even in the darkest moments of Julianne’s ways to stop the wedding, which are both misguided and doomed, there is laughter and light.

For example, the scene when Julianne Scott sang ‘I Say a Little Prayer’ at a crowded restaurant and encouraged her friends to sing with her has become iconic, as are the bits of humor interspaced within more poignant and emotional moments, making My Best Friend’s Wedding such a great feature in the romantic comedy landscape. It follows the emotions of love that has no happy ending, the stare of those whose life principles are threatened by change, and the baldness that love is not merely a loving thing.

While My Best Friend’s Wedding primarily encompasses the romance, there are underlying themes of friendship and the need to deal with one’s feelings as they are. The last part of the film, which completely goes against the flow of any romantic comedy and can be denoted as the best part of the film, gives an opportunity to crush the reader’s romantic illusions; simply put, sometimes, the most loving thing one can do for a person is let them go.

My Best Friend’s Wedding surpasses the years to remain a charming romantic comedy that possesses all the necessary ingredients of laughter, love and just a tinge of realism, one of the characteristics that makes audiences gravitate towards it.

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