
Download Ad free 3D Version Synopsis Blink will keep you on the edge of your seat with all of its suspense and mystery; watching what perspectives and memories Emma “Sharpe” witnesses, one can make some deeper implications. It’s not one thing or the other, but it may be a path “connected” to psychoanalysis rather than the genre of drama or thriller; thriller; drama; genre itself would be rather superficial. One would have doubts about the very event of watching: is Emma sane? Is Silen sane? What even happened?…


Watchmen: Chapter II

Download Ad free 3D Version The second chapter of Watchmen, which is ‘Absent friends’ elaborates on the nuances of personalities, events and drama that encapsulates the works of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. In the third chapter such as events are contrasted against the progressive darker picture of the current day, history was one more detail helping to deal with the characters and their surroundings that is to say their world. Synopsis Edward Morgan Blake was a former hero who went by the name of The Comedian until…