
Download Ad free 3D Version Synopsis "The plot of the film “Santastein” is mainly focused on Max Causey, who as a little boy accidentally kills Santa Claus. Years later, he always remembers that holiday season never is the same source of joy as it used to be. This traumatic incident accompanied him during his teenage years and so, it is quite understandable that the fire to fix his childhood mistakes is all-consuming. But one fine day, teenage Max discovers an ancient spell which brings Santa back to life…


For Walter and Josiah

Download Ad free 3D Version About the Film "Walter and Josiah” is one of the most terrible films on the desolation and pain of the Flathead Indian Reservation in America where a heart-wrenching suicide crisis amongst adolescents continues to devastate the area. The focus of the piece is on the two young flathead boys, Walter and Josiah, who took their own lives and the impact of sibling loss on their peers, relatives, and the reservation community. As a vehicle of expression through sport, the film explores how the…



Download Ad free 3D Version Whiteout (2009) is an interesting film thriller directed by Dominic Siena. The plot is centered on the US Marshal Stetko who is involved in the usage of the Greg Rucka and Steve Lieber book titled Whiteout. It stars actresses Kate Beckinsale as U.S. Marshal Carrie Stetko whose interest in a murder which she investigates leads her into Antarctica’s only documented death: a killing which has occurred in Antarctica. Plot Summary The action kicks off with Carrie Stetko who is about to head back…